MediSter 10 Essential – Desktop HF-Waste Disinfection Device

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*Информация о внешнем виде товара, технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления носит справочный характер. Внешний вид товара/изделия может отличаться от представленного на фотографии. Полная информация о товаре, изготовителе, комплектации, технических характеристиках и функциях содержится в технической документации.

Manufacturer: METEKA GmbH, Austria


Field of application: System solution for the decontamination of infectious waste (of classes B and C) dedicated for the safe and environmentally friendly management of infectious waste. The total METEKA solution is the management of infectious waste in healthcare facilities, laboratories, research centers or production plants.


Available versions: MEDISTER 10 and MEDISTER 10Essential (for 8 L), MEDISTER 20 (for 20 L), MEDISTER 60 (for 30 L), MEDISTER 160 (for 60 L).


Robust design

The mechanical and electrical components of the MEDISTER 10Essential are housed in a powder-coated steel casing. Specially designed MEDITAINER MTC 10 waste containers are used for disinfection in the stainless steel treatment chamber. They are also suitable for the collection and transportation of contaminated materials.


Maximum reliability

Infectious waste is thermally decontaminated in the MEDISTER 10Essential by a special microwave technology using moist heat. Uniform heating of the waste is ensured – even with inhomogeneous composition.  


Simple, fast and eco-friendly

Fully automatic high-frequency (HF) thermal disinfection process of the MEDISTER 10Essential works quickly, cleanly and odorlessly. It requires neither a steam generator nor pressure components. Due to its compact design, easy installation, and energy-saving, cost-efficient operation, as well as minimal service and maintenance requirements, the unit is particularly well suited for the regions with weak infrastructure.   


Precise documentation

The entire disinfection process with all data (treatment temperature, date, time, cycle duration) is documented by the unit and provided as a paper printout. Any error messages are also displayed. The disinfected waste is then disposed of with the bag inserted in the container – like household waste.

The METEKA Hygiene System is a practice-proven total solution for the management of infectious waste from healthcare facilities and laboratories. With the MEDISTER HF-Waste Disinfection Device the waste is treated in the same container, which was previously used for collection and transportation. Hence, contaminations with infectious agents are prevented. No infectious waste leaves the point of generation. After successful disinfection the waste bag with the disinfected waste is disposed like household waste, while the MEDITAINER waste container is reused. 

The MEDISTER 10essential guarantees the reliable killing of

  •              all viruses, such as Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, Polio, Ebola, SARS, MERS
  •              all vegetative germs, such as E.Coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax, tetanus, cholera and typhus germs
  •              spores of the anthrax germs
  •              all parasites and fungus


Certified and approved disinfection efficacy

The HF thermal disinfection process reaches the effectiveness range A, B, C (accord. Robert Koch Institute). It kills resistance stage I-IV germs [reference germ: bacillus atrophaeus (subtilis) spores, reduction rate >5 log10].






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