MediSter 160 – HF-Waste Disinfection Device

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*Информация о внешнем виде товара, технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления носит справочный характер. Внешний вид товара/изделия может отличаться от представленного на фотографии. Полная информация о товаре, изготовителе, комплектации, технических характеристиках и функциях содержится в технической документации.

The system solution for decontamination of infectious waste 

With the MEDISTER Desktop HF-Waste Disinfection Devices infectious waste is disinfected on-site safely, quickly and economically. The result is inactivated non-hazardous waste material similar to ordinary household waste. 

The approved and certified MEDISTER waste treatment technology provides following advantages:


Maximum treatment reliability

·         Special microwave technology guarantees even heating of the waste – also for inhomogeneous compositions of the waste material

·         Heat/steam is generated directly in the moist or moistened waste


Infection prevention:

·         Collection and disinfection in one and the same MEDITAINER container

·         The MEDITAINER Waste Container System protects patients, medical staff and waste disposal personnel from injuries and infections 


Easy and convenient handling:

·         Simple installation

·         Fully automatic program cycle

·         Short cycle times

·         Easy operation with a touch screen display


Economic and environmentally sound:

·         No hazardous waste disposal

·         Low energy consumption

·         Nearly no standby costs

·         Low CO2 emissions (reduced “carbon footprint”)

·         Very low service and maintenance costs

·         No chemicals needed

·         Reuse of the MEDITAINER waste containers 


Extensive software documentation:

·         Integrated memory for cycle data storage

·         Easy cycle data read-out via USB-interface

·         Statistical analysis


Legal security:

·         Certified and approved treatment process

·         Cycle documentation by means of an integrated label printer and software

·         No liability problems, as the waste is treated directly at the place of its generation 


METEKA Hygiene and Infection Prevention System is a total solution for the management of infectious waste from health care facilities, laboratories, research centers or production plants.



Infectious wastes are collected on-site in the puncture-proof multi-use MEDITAINER waste containers. While using the MEDITRANS transport and collection trolleys the waste collection is carried out “contact-free” by stepping on the foot lever of the trolley. The personnel have both hands free for disposal of the waste. Hence, contaminations with infectious agents are prevented.



The waste collected in the MEDITAINER container is transported to the MEDISTER device. With the MEDISTER HF-Waste Decontamination Device the waste is treated in the same container, which was previously used for collection. No infectious waste leaves the point of generation!



After treatment the waste bag with decontaminated waste is disposed like household waste, while the MEDITAINER container is reused.

The HF-thermal decontamination process is certified and approved by many independent institutions such as the Robert Koch Institute (Germany).


Highest Quality and Environmental Standards

-  ISO 9001:2015

-  ISO 14001:2015

-  ISO 14040 Life Cycle Assessment 

-   Environmental Product Declaration in accordance with ISO 14025:2006



  •                All viruses such as Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, Polio, Ebola, SARS, MERS
  •                All vegetative germs such as E.coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax, tetanus, cholera and typhus germs
  •         Spores of the anthrax germs
  •         All parasites and fungus


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