Potok induct mount devices – equipment for air decontamination.

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*Информация о внешнем виде товара, технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления носит справочный характер. Внешний вид товара/изделия может отличаться от представленного на фотографии. Полная информация о товаре, изготовителе, комплектации, технических характеристиках и функциях содержится в технической документации.

Manufacturer: “POTOK INTER” Scientific and Production Company (Russia)



·         Used to achieve and maintain the required air purity levels in medical facilities of various profiles such as large operating rooms, aseptic operating rooms, small operating rooms, delivery rooms, intensive care units, burn units, wards and resuscitation rooms, treatment rooms, as well as kindergartens, pharmaceutical and food industry enterprises, places of mass gathering of people, etc.


Potok air decontamination technology

·         Exposure to constant electric fields of critical intensity of up to 1 mV/cm inside the unit element

·         Destroys all types of microorganisms (including bacteria, mold, fungi and coronaviruses)

·         No HEPA filters, ozone, ultraviolet and other hazardous substances are used to decontaminate air.


Important advantages of the Potok technology:


·         Disinfection (inactivation) efficiency of at least 99.99%

·         Non-selectivity – inactivation of all types of bacteria, fungi and viruses (including coronaviruses)

·         24/7 operation in presence of patients and staff

·         Continuous monitoring of the disinfection (inactivation) efficiency

·         Service life: up to 10 years

·         Power consumption: 10 W per 1 000 m3/h


Air decontamination in medical facilities:

·         Reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

·         Preventing the spread of viruses that pose health risk to patients and staff

Reducing the incidence of postoperative complications.


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